Leisure & Incentive

There is much to discover - leisure fun in the Harz Mountains

The right mix of recreation, sports and culture .

Witches and devils. Dwarfs and giants. Gods and mythical creatures. You will find all this in Thale. In the Bode Valley. In the Sagenharz. What the mythical town at the foot of Hexentanzplatz and Rosstrappe has to offer, you will find out on this page. From factual facts to interesting Excursion tips.

Tip: Explore the place on the Thalens Myth Trail, which leads you from the exit of the Bode Valley to the old town of Thale. Just follow the horseshoes embedded in the footpath to get to the various figures from Germanic mythology.

Hermann Cave - Rübeländer Dripstone Caves

Impressive cave network in the Harz Mountains with stalactites and a cave theater.

Blankenburg Castle

Restored 16th century castle with wedding hall and guided tours of the theater, chapel and interiors.

Hexentanzplatz Thale

Pagan cult site with statues of witches and demons, witch museum and panoramic view.

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